NOP against Israeli carnage in Gaza!

Last week in Poland was filled with NOP demonstrations and smaller events organized in protest against recent and ongoing crimes against civilians that the Israeli terrorist state perpetrates in the Gaza Strip, the biggest concentration camp in the world’s history. In Warsaw, there were altogether three demonstrations organized by the NOP in cooperation with Palestinians and Syrians who reside...

1st May in Poland: Down with European Soviet Union!

On the 1st May, the day of St Joseph the Worker and also the 10th anniversary of Polish accession to the European Union, there were marches, demonstrations and dozens of smaller actions of protest against Poland’s membership in the EU, organized by the National Rebirth of Poland. We present a couple of short reports from cities in which the NOP held such actions.  Over 500 people took part...

Warsaw: Serbian Kosovo, Polish Silesia!

On 15th February 2014, Polish patriots and nationalists along with the fellow Serbian comrades marched through the centre of Warsaw, commemorating the disgraceful act of  secession of Kosovo from Serbia. The international criminal gang of globalists actively supported this partition and creation of a puppet drug-state, a breeding ground for islamists and common thugs in which the Serbian people cannot...