Europe of Free Nations: NOP delegation in Rome

On 28th of February, the National Rebirth of Poland activists took part in march commemorating Mikis Mantakas, the Greek nationalist and martyr, who was killed by the marxist thug Alvaro Lojacono during the “years of the lead” in Italy. The NOP delegation was invited by organizers from Movimento Sociale Europeo. Over 500 European nationalists marched through the streets of Eternal City;...

Rome: NOP on the Global Rally for Syria

On 15th of March, in the city of Rome, there was a “Global rally for Syria”, organized by the European Solidarity Front for Syria – a new political platform, created by European nationalists from many countries, as well as some politically active Syrians who reside in Europe. Hundreds of nationalist from across the continent attended the event, including Rumanians, Spaniards, Czechs,...