NOP: Defending Polish Tatar community from barbarians of “modern age”

Recently, a disgraceful act of vandalism occurred in Kruszyniany, north-eastern Poland (Podlaskie voivodeship). A very old Mosque along with the Muslim cemetery was desecrated in the most abominable manner by unknown suspects. Vile pictures were sprayed on the historical walls and graves. It resulted in an uproar in a Polish mainstream media. Kruszyniany is a cultural centre of the Tatar minority in...

1st May in Poland: Down with European Soviet Union!

On the 1st May, the day of St Joseph the Worker and also the 10th anniversary of Polish accession to the European Union, there were marches, demonstrations and dozens of smaller actions of protest against Poland’s membership in the EU, organized by the National Rebirth of Poland. We present a couple of short reports from cities in which the NOP held such actions.  Over 500 people took part...

Welcome to the Orwellian State – three NOP activists arrested!

On 14th of November, four days after the “March for the Independent Poland” organized by the National Rebirth of Poland had taken place in Białystok, the local municipal police, propably provoked by the regime, detained and then arrested three NOP party members who took part in a demonstration commemorating Polish heroes who fought against both German and Soviet occupation. The charges...