Golden Dawn Martyrs – our condolences

Here’s the letter sent to the Golden Dawn authorities. It was written immediately after the information about an atrocious murder on two Greek patriots, had reached Poland. Our expression of sorrow has been published by the major Greek nationalist website, – see HERE. Dear comrades, In the name of the authorities of the National Rebirth of Poland (NOP) party and all decent...

National Rebirth of Poland – English Division in offensive

The large scale promotion of our party in the United Kingdom has begun. Our basic and most principal aim is to convince the Polish people who reside in the UK that a nationalist agenda is what we need in Poland as well as in Britain. Both countries should cooperate with each other after reclaming independence and finally withdrawing from the EU. Therefore, it is vital that current nationalistic movements...

Solidarity with the Golden Dawn – free the Greek nationalists!

Solidarity with the Golden Dawn – free the Greek nationalists! Today, on 28th of September 2013, the Golden Dawn’s leader, Nikos Michaloliakos, and the party’s spokesperson, Ilias Kasidiaris, have been arrested by the Greek political police. Further arrests have been announced. It is not the first time when the so-called democratic regimes, dedicated to suppress freedom and the national...