The European Union must be destroyed, not reformed – National Rebirth of Poland’s official statement on the 2014 European elections

On the 25th of May, again, we will be dragged to the ballot-boxes, to legitimize the existence of the European Union by our very presence. 5 years ago, we, the Polish people, gave Europe an outstanding example of resistance to Brussels 75% of our citizens boycotted the elections. As then, now, the National Rebirth of Poland will not take part in them and we call upon all Poles, who value our freedom...

Europe of Free Nations: NOP delegation in Rome

On 28th of February, the National Rebirth of Poland activists took part in march commemorating Mikis Mantakas, the Greek nationalist and martyr, who was killed by the marxist thug Alvaro Lojacono during the “years of the lead” in Italy. The NOP delegation was invited by organizers from Movimento Sociale Europeo. Over 500 European nationalists marched through the streets of Eternal City;...

Rome: NOP on the Global Rally for Syria

On 15th of March, in the city of Rome, there was a “Global rally for Syria”, organized by the European Solidarity Front for Syria – a new political platform, created by European nationalists from many countries, as well as some politically active Syrians who reside in Europe. Hundreds of nationalist from across the continent attended the event, including Rumanians, Spaniards, Czechs,...

30 years of the NOP – Report from March of Patriots and our Congress

On 11th November 2011, the 93rd anniversary of our Independence Day, the March of Patriots took to the streets of Wrocław city, organized by the National Rebirth of Poland, a nationalist political party. Despite all the manipulations, half-truths and lies that the mainstream media have been pushing about us, over 3,000 people decided to take part in our demonstration. Among Polish White and Red flags...