Adam Gmurczyk: A New Europe

Over the last few years we have witnessed a great shift in the mentality of European people. The success of Golden Dawn, which – without losing or discarding its ideological identity –  also achieved undeniable political effects, is a symbol of what many nationalists in Europe ceased to believe long ago: when expressing our believes we cannot take a single step back, because these ideas are our...

The European Union must be destroyed, not reformed – National Rebirth of Poland’s official statement on the 2014 European elections

On the 25th of May, again, we will be dragged to the ballot-boxes, to legitimize the existence of the European Union by our very presence. 5 years ago, we, the Polish people, gave Europe an outstanding example of resistance to Brussels 75% of our citizens boycotted the elections. As then, now, the National Rebirth of Poland will not take part in them and we call upon all Poles, who value our freedom...

Athens: 50 000 nationalists against the System

On Saturday, 30th November, on the Athenian Constitution Square, gathered over 50 thousand nationalists, activists and supporters of the Golden Dawn. The rally (the regime refused to issue permission to march) was held under the slogan “No prisons for nationalists!”. It is important to recall the fact, that many leaders and MPs of the Golden Dawn are still held in custody, including the...

Golden Dawn Martyrs – our condolences

Here’s the letter sent to the Golden Dawn authorities. It was written immediately after the information about an atrocious murder on two Greek patriots, had reached Poland. Our expression of sorrow has been published by the major Greek nationalist website, – see HERE. Dear comrades, In the name of the authorities of the National Rebirth of Poland (NOP) party and all decent...