Warsaw: Serbian Kosovo, Polish Silesia!

On 15th February 2014, Polish patriots and nationalists along with the fellow Serbian comrades marched through the centre of Warsaw, commemorating the disgraceful act of  secession of Kosovo from Serbia. The international criminal gang of globalists actively supported this partition and creation of a puppet drug-state, a breeding ground for islamists and common thugs in which the Serbian people cannot...

Wrocław: We will always remember the 13th of December!

Over one and a half thousand people (according to the mainstream press: from 600 to 1000) took part in the huge demonstration organized on December 13 by the National Rebirth of Poland and local patriotic football fans. The date is especially tragic, since it symbolizes not one, but two acts of treachery against the Polish nation. On December 13, 1981, general Wojciech Jaruzelski, representing the...