NOP at the BNP annual conference in Blackpool

On 29-30 of November, the British National Party organized its annual conference. This year, nearly 100 delegates took part in the event. All careful observers of the whole European nationalistic environment heard about Nick Griffin’s resignation from the post of BNP’s leader after he failed to defend his seat in the European Parliament. In October he was banned from the party. It raised...

The European Union must be destroyed, not reformed – National Rebirth of Poland’s official statement on the 2014 European elections

On the 25th of May, again, we will be dragged to the ballot-boxes, to legitimize the existence of the European Union by our very presence. 5 years ago, we, the Polish people, gave Europe an outstanding example of resistance to Brussels 75% of our citizens boycotted the elections. As then, now, the National Rebirth of Poland will not take part in them and we call upon all Poles, who value our freedom...

Krakow: Great march and victory of the nationalism!

Over 2,000 people (according to the hostile media and police sources – between 700 and 1500) attended the “March towards the Free Poland” organized by the National Rebirth of Poland in Krakow (southern Poland) on 11 November. The demonstration was preceded by a huge promotional campaign in the city – the NOP activists distributed thousands of leaflets and posters advertising...

National Rebirth of Poland – English Division in offensive

The large scale promotion of our party in the United Kingdom has begun. Our basic and most principal aim is to convince the Polish people who reside in the UK that a nationalist agenda is what we need in Poland as well as in Britain. Both countries should cooperate with each other after reclaming independence and finally withdrawing from the EU. Therefore, it is vital that current nationalistic movements...