1st May in Poland: Down with European Soviet Union!

On the 1st May, the day of St Joseph the Worker and also the 10th anniversary of Polish accession to the European Union, there were marches, demonstrations and dozens of smaller actions of protest against Poland’s membership in the EU, organized by the National Rebirth of Poland. We present a couple of short reports from cities in which the NOP held such actions.  Over 500 people took part...

Golden Dawn stands side by side with the arrested NOP activists

In response to the news about the immoral and scandalous arrests of our three party comrades – Sylwia, Amanda and Mateusz – the National Rebirth of Poland’s leadership received a special statement from the fellow Golden Dawn party. Our Greek friends, in these words expressed solidarity with the persecuted Polish patriots: Our answer at this message can’t be but plain and...

Thousand of Polish nationalists marched in Białystok

“March for the independent Poland” – that was the name of the demonstration organized by the National Rebirth of Poland on 10th of November (and so in the eve of the Independence Day) in Białystok (Podlaskie Voivodeship, northeastern Poland). Its main purpose was to celebrate the Independence Day and voice protest against selling Poland to the EU and Zionist-driven globalism. The...