Athens: Nationalist Europe

On Saturday January 31 in Athens another annual nationalist demonstration of the Golden Dawn took place. It gathered many thousands of nationalists from Greek ELAM movement from Cyprus as well as nationalist activists from whole Europe including Greek branch of the National Rebirth of Poland – NOP Division Greece. The demonstration is being organised by the Golden Dawn since 1996 to honour Greek...

We are with you – NOP chairman congratulates the Golden Dawn’s success

The early parliamentary elections in Greece, which ended on 25th January 2015, showed that despite the opression by state institutions, arrests of the leadership, political murders of activists by the far-left militants, a total boycott by the mass media and freezing donations, the Golden Dawn has survived and passed a hard exam. Many have said that the movement would already vanish, whereas the Greek...

Golden Dawn MP says his thanks to the NOP

One of the most recognized Golden Dawn MPs, Artemis Matteopulos, expressed his greetings to the National Rebirth of Poland activists for all actions of solidarity and support for the Golden Dawn, a party strongly opressed at home by the liberal, Zionist regime. He wrote as follows: Dear friends, We would like to thank you for your solidarity and active support for the Golden Dawn. The situation, in...

The Baltakos-Kasidiaris video exposes the bankrupcy of the Greek regime

For some days now, there is a turmoil – according to the Financial Times for instance – in the Greek government. All because of one video from the hidden camera. It shows the prominent Greek politician, a secretary of the parliament and prime minister Samaras’s felon – Panayiotis Baltakos, talking to Ilias Kasidiaris, a leading figure (MP, spokesperson and party’s candidate...

Athens: 50 000 nationalists against the System

On Saturday, 30th November, on the Athenian Constitution Square, gathered over 50 thousand nationalists, activists and supporters of the Golden Dawn. The rally (the regime refused to issue permission to march) was held under the slogan “No prisons for nationalists!”. It is important to recall the fact, that many leaders and MPs of the Golden Dawn are still held in custody, including the...

Golden Dawn stands side by side with the arrested NOP activists

In response to the news about the immoral and scandalous arrests of our three party comrades – Sylwia, Amanda and Mateusz – the National Rebirth of Poland’s leadership received a special statement from the fellow Golden Dawn party. Our Greek friends, in these words expressed solidarity with the persecuted Polish patriots: Our answer at this message can’t be but plain and...

Golden Dawn Martyrs – our condolences

Here’s the letter sent to the Golden Dawn authorities. It was written immediately after the information about an atrocious murder on two Greek patriots, had reached Poland. Our expression of sorrow has been published by the major Greek nationalist website, – see HERE. Dear comrades, In the name of the authorities of the National Rebirth of Poland (NOP) party and all decent...

Solidarity with the Golden Dawn – free the Greek nationalists!

Solidarity with the Golden Dawn – free the Greek nationalists! Today, on 28th of September 2013, the Golden Dawn’s leader, Nikos Michaloliakos, and the party’s spokesperson, Ilias Kasidiaris, have been arrested by the Greek political police. Further arrests have been announced. It is not the first time when the so-called democratic regimes, dedicated to suppress freedom and the national...