Επιστολή Συναγωνιστή Α. Ματθαιόπουλου μέσα από τις φυλακές προς το Εθνικιστικό Κίνημα της Πολωνίας

Ο ιδρυτής και επικεφαλής του Εθνικιστικού Κινήματος «Εθνική Αναγέννηση Πολωνίας» (NOP) Adam Gmurczyk επικοινώνησε με φυλακισμένους Συναγωνιστές προκειμένου να εκφράσει την αλληλεγγύη των Πολωνών Εθνικιστών προς τους πολιτικούς...

Adam Gmurczyk: A New Europe

Over the last few years we have witnessed a great shift in the mentality of European people. The success of Golden Dawn, which – without losing or discarding its ideological identity –  also achieved undeniable political effects, is a symbol of what many nationalists in Europe ceased to believe long ago: when expressing our believes we cannot take a single step back, because these ideas are our...

30 years of the NOP – Report from March of Patriots and our Congress

On 11th November 2011, the 93rd anniversary of our Independence Day, the March of Patriots took to the streets of Wrocław city, organized by the National Rebirth of Poland, a nationalist political party. Despite all the manipulations, half-truths and lies that the mainstream media have been pushing about us, over 3,000 people decided to take part in our demonstration. Among Polish White and Red flags...