Χρυσή Αυγή για την Ελλάδα, για την Πολωνία, για την Ευρώπη

Δήλωση από το εκτελεστικό συμβούλιο της Εθνικής Αναβίωσης της Πολωνίας. Στις 14 Οκτωβρίου 2020 στην Αθήνα σχεδόν 70 ακτιβιστές του Ελληνικού Εθνικιστικού Κινήματος “Χρυσή Αυγή” καταδικάστηκαν σε μακροχρόνια κάθειρξη. Μεταξύ...

Golden Dawn for Greece, for Poland, for Europe

Statement from Executive Council of National Rebirth of Poland On 14th of October 2020 in Athens near 70 activists of Greek’s nationalist movement “Golden Dawn” were convicted on long-term imprisonments. Among victims of neo-Soviet’s regime were: leader of “Golden Dawn”, Nikolaos Michaloliakos (sentenced to 13 years and 6 months of imprisonment), Elias Panagiotaros (13 years) and Artemis...

We are with you – NOP chairman congratulates the Golden Dawn’s success

The early parliamentary elections in Greece, which ended on 25th January 2015, showed that despite the opression by state institutions, arrests of the leadership, political murders of activists by the far-left militants, a total boycott by the mass media and freezing donations, the Golden Dawn has survived and passed a hard exam. Many have said that the movement would already vanish, whereas the Greek...

NOP: Defending Polish Tatar community from barbarians of “modern age”

Recently, a disgraceful act of vandalism occurred in Kruszyniany, north-eastern Poland (Podlaskie voivodeship). A very old Mosque along with the Muslim cemetery was desecrated in the most abominable manner by unknown suspects. Vile pictures were sprayed on the historical walls and graves. It resulted in an uproar in a Polish mainstream media. Kruszyniany is a cultural centre of the Tatar minority in...

The European Union must be destroyed, not reformed – National Rebirth of Poland’s official statement on the 2014 European elections

On the 25th of May, again, we will be dragged to the ballot-boxes, to legitimize the existence of the European Union by our very presence. 5 years ago, we, the Polish people, gave Europe an outstanding example of resistance to Brussels 75% of our citizens boycotted the elections. As then, now, the National Rebirth of Poland will not take part in them and we call upon all Poles, who value our freedom...

Solidarity with the Golden Dawn – free the Greek nationalists!

Solidarity with the Golden Dawn – free the Greek nationalists! Today, on 28th of September 2013, the Golden Dawn’s leader, Nikos Michaloliakos, and the party’s spokesperson, Ilias Kasidiaris, have been arrested by the Greek political police. Further arrests have been announced. It is not the first time when the so-called democratic regimes, dedicated to suppress freedom and the national...

Capitalism equals socialism. NOP economic policy

A nation and it’s members, to be free, must have not only their own political rights, but also the economic independence. A political freedom without an economical freedom is nothing but a freedom to die. In the economic sphere, our main postulate is to spread the ownership as widely as possible, i.e. to obtain an affranchisement of people. In short: A man lives and works best, when doing it...

Bombs on Israel – it’s about time! Statement of the NOP Executive Council

One of the most bloody, terrorist organizations the modern world has ever seen is the State of Israel. It shows all possible features of a structure, which sole purpose is to realise criminal, and often genocidal, agenda. The recent invasion on the so-called Gaza Strip, that we have witnessed, is only a tiny segment of Israel’s long criminal record. The whole civilized world must unite against...

Syrian War for Freedom – against Zionism and Globalism

The massive propaganda campaign against the Nationalistic Syria enters it’s crucial phase. The mainstream media for weeks have been bombarding us with manipulated pictures, which sole purpose is to justify intervention of the US and their allies in the internal matters of a sovereign state, the Syrian Arab Rebulic. The so-called “revolution” is in fact rebellion of islamic fanatics,...

A war with Iran is a war against Poland. Statement of the NOP Executive Council

For quite a long time, we have been witnessing – also in the Polish media – the massive propaganda campaign against Iran. In an apparent way, whole societies are being prepared for another war, arranged by the United States of America, Israel’s proxy. The National Rebirth of Poland, always guided by the principle of freedom, decisively rejects the attempts to drag our country into another...