Wrocław: Serbian Kosovo, Polish Silesia!

After the successful demonstration in Warsaw, the National Rebirth of Poland Wrocław unit organized its own march, devoted to the commemoration of a disgraceful partition of Serbia. Not only NOP activists, but also some independent nationalists and patriots took part in the gathering. Our comrades made two fiery speeches near the city hall, in the most crowded area of Wrocław, the market. In the...

Warsaw: Serbian Kosovo, Polish Silesia!

On 15th February 2014, Polish patriots and nationalists along with the fellow Serbian comrades marched through the centre of Warsaw, commemorating the disgraceful act of  secession of Kosovo from Serbia. The international criminal gang of globalists actively supported this partition and creation of a puppet drug-state, a breeding ground for islamists and common thugs in which the Serbian people cannot...

NOP Division England – actions in London

On January 2014, the National Rebirth of Poland activists were busy promoting our ideals to the common Polish people who live in Great Britain. This time, they were focused especially on the Ealing district, where the Polish Roman Catholic Church of our Lady Mother is located. Thousands of leaflets were distributed and the new contacts with the locals have been made. More photos – HERE  

Wrocław: We will always remember the 13th of December!

Over one and a half thousand people (according to the mainstream press: from 600 to 1000) took part in the huge demonstration organized on December 13 by the National Rebirth of Poland and local patriotic football fans. The date is especially tragic, since it symbolizes not one, but two acts of treachery against the Polish nation. On December 13, 1981, general Wojciech Jaruzelski, representing the...

Division England: Remembering our heroes!

During last week, our activists who currently reside in the United Kingdom were very active in promoting NOP ideas. The leaflets and other materials were distributed en masse in big cities such as: London, Newmarket, Thetford, Brandon, Norwich, Birmingham and Dover. Our party comrades also layed flowers at two monuments referring to the Polish history and martyrology: the Momunent of Katyń Victims...

Athens: 50 000 nationalists against the System

On Saturday, 30th November, on the Athenian Constitution Square, gathered over 50 thousand nationalists, activists and supporters of the Golden Dawn. The rally (the regime refused to issue permission to march) was held under the slogan “No prisons for nationalists!”. It is important to recall the fact, that many leaders and MPs of the Golden Dawn are still held in custody, including the...

Golden Dawn stands side by side with the arrested NOP activists

In response to the news about the immoral and scandalous arrests of our three party comrades – Sylwia, Amanda and Mateusz – the National Rebirth of Poland’s leadership received a special statement from the fellow Golden Dawn party. Our Greek friends, in these words expressed solidarity with the persecuted Polish patriots: Our answer at this message can’t be but plain and...

Welcome to the Orwellian State – three NOP activists arrested!

On 14th of November, four days after the “March for the Independent Poland” organized by the National Rebirth of Poland had taken place in Białystok, the local municipal police, propably provoked by the regime, detained and then arrested three NOP party members who took part in a demonstration commemorating Polish heroes who fought against both German and Soviet occupation. The charges...

Krakow: Great march and victory of the nationalism!

Over 2,000 people (according to the hostile media and police sources – between 700 and 1500) attended the “March towards the Free Poland” organized by the National Rebirth of Poland in Krakow (southern Poland) on 11 November. The demonstration was preceded by a huge promotional campaign in the city – the NOP activists distributed thousands of leaflets and posters advertising...

Thousand of Polish nationalists marched in Białystok

“March for the independent Poland” – that was the name of the demonstration organized by the National Rebirth of Poland on 10th of November (and so in the eve of the Independence Day) in Białystok (Podlaskie Voivodeship, northeastern Poland). Its main purpose was to celebrate the Independence Day and voice protest against selling Poland to the EU and Zionist-driven globalism. The...