Death to the enemies of Fatherland – Polish nationalists honoured ‘Cursed Soldiers’

On March 1 Polish nationalists among the country were honouring “Cursed Soldiers” – Polish guerilla who fought communist occupation after WWII. Despite of various campaigns of left-liberal environment whose aim is to demonize the Heroes of Polish anti-communist and nationalist underground, they are still alive in hearts of many, giving hope that their dream of Great and Independent Poland will...

London: Bishop Williamson’s birthday

On Sunday March 8, the delegation of the National Rebirth of Poland – NOP Division England participated in the Jubilee Mass of Bishop Richard Williamson, a friend of the NOP environment for more than 20 years who celebrated his 75th birthday. Bishop in his homily, referring to his life were talking about many dangers faced by modern man; devastating revolution of the 60s, or “religion”...

London: Nationalists honoured victims of Soviet genocide

On February 21, the representatives of nationalist organisations based in the UK (NOP Division England, British National Action, Misanthropic Division and London Forum and activists of Greek Golden Dawn) met on a rally commemorating Soviet crimes on neighbouring nations. The event related to 75th anniversary of the first mass deportation of Polish people to Siberia and so called Holodomor in Ukraine...

Athens: Nationalist Europe

On Saturday January 31 in Athens another annual nationalist demonstration of the Golden Dawn took place. It gathered many thousands of nationalists from Greek ELAM movement from Cyprus as well as nationalist activists from whole Europe including Greek branch of the National Rebirth of Poland – NOP Division Greece. The demonstration is being organised by the Golden Dawn since 1996 to honour Greek...

We are with you – NOP chairman congratulates the Golden Dawn’s success

The early parliamentary elections in Greece, which ended on 25th January 2015, showed that despite the opression by state institutions, arrests of the leadership, political murders of activists by the far-left militants, a total boycott by the mass media and freezing donations, the Golden Dawn has survived and passed a hard exam. Many have said that the movement would already vanish, whereas the Greek...

NOP at the BNP annual conference in Blackpool

On 29-30 of November, the British National Party organized its annual conference. This year, nearly 100 delegates took part in the event. All careful observers of the whole European nationalistic environment heard about Nick Griffin’s resignation from the post of BNP’s leader after he failed to defend his seat in the European Parliament. In October he was banned from the party. It raised...

London: NOP and British nationalists in support of the Golden Dawn

On Saturday, 29th of November, the National Rebirth of Poland organized another solidarity protest with imprisoned comrades from the Golden Dawn. The demonstration was held in London. This time Polish patriots were reinforced by their British friends. The local leftists tried to organize a counter-protest, but they didn’t achieve much, apart from some screams coming from a small group of antifa...

Golden Dawn MP says his thanks to the NOP

One of the most recognized Golden Dawn MPs, Artemis Matteopulos, expressed his greetings to the National Rebirth of Poland activists for all actions of solidarity and support for the Golden Dawn, a party strongly opressed at home by the liberal, Zionist regime. He wrote as follows: Dear friends, We would like to thank you for your solidarity and active support for the Golden Dawn. The situation, in...

Take back our Poland – V March of Patriots

For the fifth time through The streets of Wrocław went another March of Patriots. It’s a regular demonstration organized by the National Rebirth of Poland. Due to its patriotic, firmly nationalistic, pro-independence and anti-European Union nature, it brings thousands of people, above all organization divisions. This year, over 10 thousand people took part in March. The main slogan was: “Defending...

Cyprus: NOP and ELAM for Europe of Free Nations

On 19-21 July 2014, an NOP delegation led by the party vice-chairman Michał Lewandowski, went to Cyprus, invited by The National people’s Front (ELAM). NOP activists spent a night in a St. George Hotel, in the gorgeus part of The Island – Pafos. The choice of this location was not a coincidence, as Pafos is a de facto bastion of nationalism In The whole Cyprus, consequently built over The last...