Presentation of our movement


Picture taken on our “March of Patriots”, 2012 edition

Narodowe Odrodzenie Polski (National Rebirth of Poland) is the oldest Polish nationalist organization after WWII. Development of NOP from the day of raise (Nov. 10th, 1981) was undergoing significant internal changes: starting as nationalist youth’s discussion forum, became, from 1983, well-regulated national-revolutionary movement having distinct ideology. The movement was always tipified with strong challenge orientation. In Nov. 1983 we started publishing „Jestem Polakiem” (I’m Pole) – the first and long time the sole nationalist underground magazine in Poland. In 1985 NOP founded underground Publishing House „Jestem Polakiem” which published to 1989, when communist regime fall down, more then 100 titles of books, brochures and next magazines (e.g. „Szczerbiec” /the name of Polish royal coronation sword/, „Mlodziez Narodowa” /National Youth/, „Mysl” /The Thought/, „Biuletyn NOP”). In the period of communist regime NOP militants were taking part in direct actions organizing manifestations and student strikes.

NOP attaches special importance to education of militants and sympathizers organizing training cycles on social and political issues, economy, religion and history. NOP is an ideological movement, however, for legal convenience, from 1992 is registered as a political party by the District Court in Warsaw and National Electoral Commission. NOP is active on several areas: founds research and cultural institutions (National-Radical Institute, Norwid Institute), arranges social, youth and trade-union movements. NOP also firms the oldest nationalist magazine in Poland „Szczerbiec” (ISSN: 0867-8537, circulation: 4000-5000 exemplars), the national-revolutionary magazine „17. Cywilizacja Czasów Próby” (ISSN: 1689-7463, circulation: 1000 exemplars) – both published by the Norwid Institute – and 2 portals: the oldest and biggest in Poland, daily updated nationalist portal and project The movement is cofounder of International Third Position which is the forum assembling political groups presenting similar ideological orientation. Today NOP cooperate with many nationalist and national-revolutionary movements from Europe – full list you will find HERE. NOP also was a member of European National Front (ENF).

Since 2001 NOP takes part in national, local and European elections.

In 2004 in by-election to Senate Adam Gmurczyk, president of the NOP got 2% of votes. During local elections in 2006 NOP managed to register its lists in 41 districts (out of 88) and got 1,8%. In 2007 during elections to Senate there were four NOP candidates who obtained 1,1-2,3% of votes. NOP participated as well in local elections as an electoral committee „Together for Poland” in coalition with Jan Olszewski (former Prime Minister), Antoni Macierewicz (former Minister of Interior) and Jerzy Kropiwnicki (former president of the city of Łódz) and received 3% of total votes.

On 9th of October 2011 took place general elections in Poland. In Lower Silesia region a candidate of our party to the Senate (the upper house of the Polish parliament) got 3,10% of votes.

National Rebirth of Poland (NOP) organized a march in Wroclaw on 11 November 2011 (Polish Independence Day). Over 3000 people took part in the event. The following day there was a conference held to celebrate 30th anniversary of NOP foundation. Among the participants there were the representatives of Forza Nuova (Roberto Fiore), Movimiento Social Republicano (José Luis Vázquez), Nieuw-Solidaristisch Alternatif (Kris Roman), Svenskarnas parti (Daniel Höglund and Stefan Jacobsson) and Thought and Action (Robert Lane). Those who could not come – dr David Duke, Derek Holland, comrades from Ethniko LAiko Metwpo E.LA.M. (National People’s Front, Cyprus), Χρυσή Αυγή (Golden Dawn, Greece) and Parti Anti Sioniste (France) sent their speeches and greetings to NOP.

10 000 nationalists took part in the III March of Patriots in Wrocław organized by National Rebirth of Poland (NOP) on 11 November 2012 (Polish Independence Day). There was a big Polish national flag (35 meters x 3 meters) preparated by comrades from the town of Żary. Nationalists said clearly: No to EU and NATO, no to USraeli imperialism, no to global capitalism and neomarxist propaganda. Yes to truly free and independent Poland in Europe of Nations, yes to eternal Values of our Civilization. Glory to our Nation, death to enemies of our beloved country. It was the one of the biggest strictly nationalist manifestation after 1989.

In 2013 at least 10,000 people attended the March of Patriots in Wrocław, organized – as always – by the National Rebirth of Poland on the 11th of November – Polish Independence Day. This was the fourth time, when common people (including women, children, and the elderly) along with the NOP activists and sympathisers, as well as other fellow patriots and nationalists, local football fans and catholic associations, took to the streets of Wrocław in order to demonstrate their commitment to their country and sense of the national pride. Even media hostile to us wrote clearly, that this demonstration was „very huge”. The main organizer was Paweł Naskręt, head of the NOP in Dolnośląskie Voivodeship. While talking to journalists, he said:

We do not prefer a „sissy” type of patriotism, in which a Polish person is supposed to enjoy waving the White and Red flag and ignore the fact, that he’s being squeezed dry in his own country, stripped of his dignity, that the ruling class treats him as slave. We will not accept it, we are demonstrating against it, we are fighting with it!

The slogans that were shouted during long march across the city clearly reflected what the real nationalist alternative stands for. „Away from the EU, away from NATO, Poland first!”, „Great, Independent, Poland!”, „God, Honor, Fatherland”, „Not red, not rainbow-hued, Poland must be national!” were amongst most repeated and powerful shouts. The participants also honored our fallen heroes who fought against both German and Soviet occupation during and after the World War Two. Our party flags with „Hand and Sword” and celtic crosses were proudly waving in the wind. There was also a great banner depicting the Great Pole – Roman Dmowski and his most popular saying – „I’m Polish, so I have Polish duties.” The march ended near the St. John’s Cathedral, where all participants solemnly sang all the verses of „Poland is yet not lost”, our national anthem. The whole demonstration was entirely peaceful. For the fourth time, the voice of radical nationalism has been heard in Wrocław. Photos HERE.

In 2014 for the fifth time through The streets of Wrocław went another March of Patriots. It’s a regular demonstration organized by the National Rebirth of Poland. Due to its patriotic, firmly nationalistic, pro-independence and anti-European Union nature, it brings thousands of people, above all organization divisions. This year, over 10 thousand people took part in March. The main slogan was: “Defending Independence against the Brussels occupation”. Contrary to mainstream public demonstrations, organized also by the parliamentarian opposition, March of Patriots is a clear voice of protest against both Brussels slavery, as well as dreams of returning to former Soviet, Russian domination. Our position is clear, precise and striped of some political games, characteristic for democratic liberals of different kind. We do not want to reform the European Union, we want to free Poland from its domination. And the symbol of this fight is our Hand and Sword (Falanga) and the Celtic Cross, which proudly were waving above heads of the March participants. During this demonstration, beside organizers – activists of the NOP – as usual, football fans, autonomous nationalists and some independent nationalists, as well as Solidarity trade union activists, took part. Apart from them, there were also common people, elderly, whole families, youth – an image of the whole Polish society. We would like to leave special thanks for Greek national revolutionaries from Cyprus, members of ELAM movement, who also were with us. Photos HERE.

In October 2015 took place general elections in Poland. NOP, the only national-revolutionary movement and party in Poland, put up 7 candidates to the Senate (the upper house of the Polish parliament). The total cost of our campaign was….zero. Our candidates were totaly boycotted in the mainstream medias, but got in their electoral districts from 3.44 % to 13.96% of votes. This was very important step in our fight. It showed, that without founds nationalists can break the „democratic” wall around us and win minds of our people.

10 000 nationalists and patriots marched on 11th November 2015 in Wrocław against EU, immigration and to pay a tribute to Heroes, who fought for our freedom. Comrades from Czech Republic and England were present. After march, in the city centre, a well known nationalist band Obłęd played a concert. March of Patriots in Wrocław was organized – as always – by the National Rebirth of Poland (NOP) on the 11th of November – Polish Independence Day. The slogans that were shouted during long march across the city clearly reflected what the real nationalist alternative stands for. „Away from the EU, away from NATO, Poland first!”, „Great, Independent, Poland!”, „God, Honor, Fatherland”, „Neither West nor East, Poland only for Poles”. March of Patriots was also a demonstration against immigration and policy of the EU in this case. This was the biggest, clearly nationalist event on this day in Poland. Photos HERE.

The aims pointed by NOP are expressed in two basic documents: „Ideological Principles of Nationalism” and „NOP Program Directions”. NOP strongly declares for political decentralization appreciating local communities play crucial role in formation of true national power. In the sphere of economy NOP postulates equalization of the capital and labour as well as dissemination of private property on the base of distributist system. NOP also stands out against concentration of property in hands of either state or anonymous capital. NOP rejects false democratic system which leads to moral relativism and gives the fate of the nation to hands of corrupted „political class”. NOP as the first political movement in Poland noticed real danger for our country flowing from the side of European Union and decidedly opposed any attempt to liquidate Polish State. NOP proclaims necessity of the fight against demoliberal system on the way of National Revolution understood as complete reconstruction of social, economical and political life in compliance with eternal values of Christian Civilization.

Official logo of the party

Official logo of the party