Krakow: Great march and victory of the nationalism!


Over 2,000 people (according to the hostile media and police sources – between 700 and 1500) attended the “March towards the Free Poland” organized by the National Rebirth of Poland in Krakow (southern Poland) on 11 November. The demonstration was preceded by a huge promotional campaign in the city – the NOP activists distributed thousands of leaflets and posters advertising the event.

It was the first big Independence Day march held in Krakow – the medieval capital of Poland and one of the biggest and oldest cities of the country. The main organizer was Bartosz Biernat – head of the NOP in Małopolskie Voivodeship and member of the party Executive Council.

In addition to the NOP activists and common people, there were also representatives and comrades from the Falanga Association and a delegation of the fellow British National Party (BNP), led by the party chairman, Nick Griffin MEP himself.

The march passed through the city centre. The main subjects raised both in all speeches and shouted slogans were: Polish dependence from the EU, threat of globalism, predatory policy of United States and Israel in the Middle East, genocide through massive, non-European immigration. Slogans such as: “Away from the EU, away from NATO, Poland first!”, “No wars for Israel!”, “Great, Indepentent, Poland!”, “Europe, Youth, Revolution!” were frequently repeated by the patriotic crowd.

Apart from NOP flags and banners with “Hand and Sword” and celtic crosses, also BNP, Falanga and anti-Zionist Hezbollah flags were waving in the wind.

On the Matejko Square, where the march reached its end, all participants honored the memory of Manolis Kapelonis and Giorgios Fountoulis – two Greek martyrs from the Golden Dawn – with a symbolic minute of silence. After that, two flags of the European Union were burnt.

Delivering his speech, Nick Griffin said, inter alia:

“Poles who go to England see that it is dominated by immigrants. It’s the same in France and Germany. This is a deliberate attempt to control Europe. Powerful Zionists want to destroy us. We, the nationalists, must stand together to fight for a white, nationalist and radical Europe.”

Last words belonged to the representative of the NOP, who said:

“11th of November, Independence Day, for more than a hundred years, has had a special meaning for the Polish people, as well as different – depending on the period.

During the interwar period, it was a joyful holiday, confirming our strength and a will to strive for freedom.

During the German and Soviet invasion – a declaration of war.

During the Red occupation – a sigh and dream of freedom.

After 1989, when the communist regime had collapsed and for a moment we saw a glimpse of independence, the 11th of November took on a new meaning.

For the political forces of Left and Right it became a museum, a historical tale, which began and ended in 1918.

For them, 11th of November became a sort of alibi: willigly and often, they lay flowers at the monuments of heroes, so that their own tracherous policy, realised every day, could be cloaked.

But Independence is not only the past and emotions.

Independence of the State is something that we can easily measure and count.

An independent state is one that has laws reflecting the will of its own people, not the foreign centers of power.

An independent state is one that has an exclusive control over its army.

Today Poland is not an independent state.

Our laws are being implemented in accordance with the will of the Brussels.

Our foreign policy is nothing but a strict execution of commands, flowing from Brussels, Washington and Tel-Aviv.

Our supposedly Polish army is nothing but a mercenary squad, fighting not our wars, against the Polish interests.

The 11th of November is thus for us, nationalists and patriots, a clear and firm political declaration. Declaration of war for what we, the Polish people, deserve.

For the Great and Independent Poland!”

NOP Information Office

Originally published HERE (see the report for more photos and videos)





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