Bombs on Israel – it’s about time! Statement of the NOP Executive Council


One of the most bloody, terrorist organizations the modern world has ever seen is the State of Israel. It shows all possible features of a structure, which sole purpose is to realise criminal, and often genocidal, agenda. The recent invasion on the so-called Gaza Strip, that we have witnessed, is only a tiny segment of Israel’s long criminal record. The whole civilized world must unite against this rouge state. Our political efforts must be directed not so much at obtaining “a ceasefire” or isolation of this quasi-state on the international arena, but simply at it’s eradication. A world with Israel will never be the safe one. A world, in which Palestine is not a free country, will be a world in which Evil outweights the Good.

The National Rebirth of Poland for more than 30 years, and thus from the very beginning of its existence, has supported Palestinian struggle for freedom. We, the Polish people, are very familiar with meanings of words such as “occupation” and “genocide”, but also with “resistance”, “fight”, and “victory”. Time for bombs on Israel, time for freedom for the world!


NOP Information Office

Originally published HERE

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