London: Nationalists honoured victims of Soviet genocide

On February 21, the representatives of nationalist organisations based in the UK (NOP Division England, British National Action, Misanthropic Division and London Forum and activists of Greek Golden Dawn) met on a rally commemorating Soviet crimes on neighbouring nations. The event related to 75th anniversary of the first mass deportation of Polish people to Siberia and so called Holodomor in Ukraine which took lives of about 10 million people including thousands of Poles who lived under Soviet authority.

Arkadiusz Rzepinski made a speech as the NOP representative. He said, inter alia:

Aside from (communist) crimes such as Katyn massacre, massacres of workers during communist regime in Poland and many, many others, communists were dividing eastern European nations. (…) We ask why this truth remains silent in modern Russia but first of all in so called United Europe. The answer seems to be clear. After system transformation in Poland communist politicians became liberals and began to hold important positions in new governments. In western Europe communists and socialists are best friends of the system. And there’s a common thing between communist and liberal systems – they’re always fighting the true defenders of the nation.

Don’t let them divide us and keep fighting the good cause!

The rally was vainly disrupted by London’s policemen who attempted to disorganise the rally, and who were called by Ukrainian supporters of the European Union who arrived ‘for a rescue of democracy from fascism’.

NOP Division England

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