Cyprus: NOP and ELAM for Europe of Free Nations

On 19-21 July 2014, an NOP delegation led by the party vice-chairman Michał Lewandowski, went to Cyprus, invited by The National people’s Front (ELAM).

NOP activists spent a night in a St. George Hotel, in the gorgeus part of The Island – Pafos. The choice of this location was not a coincidence, as Pafos is a de facto bastion of nationalism In The whole Cyprus, consequently built over The last couple of years. During last European elections, ELAM nationalists gained 7% of the voting. Their campaign was very anti-federation and anti-EU in its sense.

A few yards further, at the same beach, lays a big monument of “Memory and Honor” dedicated to commemorate the famous Greek nationalist George Grivas, who led a courageous fight in 1955-1959.

On 20th July, Polish nationalists took part in a demonstration organized by ELAM. It’s main theme was to protest the Turkish occupation of the island’s North. This year marked the exact 40th anniversary of the Turkish invasion on Cyprus and creating the occupation zone by the Turks. ELAM is the only political party on the island which opposes this fact.

The demonstration was organized in the capital, Nicosia. Over 500 nationalists took part in it.

National Rebirth of Poland, as the only nationalist and revolutionary party from Europe, was invited to attend the event.

After speeches held by both Michał Lewandowski (NOP vice-chairman) and the ELAM leader, Christos Christou, as part of the local tradition, the Turkish flag was publicly burnt. Then, a meeting was held, during which both NOP and ELAM discussed details of further cooperation.





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