NOP: Defending Polish Tatar community from barbarians of “modern age”

Recently, a disgraceful act of vandalism occurred in Kruszyniany, north-eastern Poland (Podlaskie voivodeship). A very old Mosque along with the Muslim cemetery was desecrated in the most abominable manner by unknown suspects. Vile pictures were sprayed on the historical walls and graves. It resulted in an uproar in a Polish mainstream media.

Kruszyniany is a cultural centre of the Tatar minority in Poland. The mosque was build over 300 years ago after the Tatars were granted a Polish nobility and received a land from the king Jan Sobieski who successfully led Polish, German, Austrian, Hungarian and other European forces against the Turkish onslaught in 1683 and finally defeated the Turks at the  gates of Vienna in the same year. Polish Tatars then fought loyally on the Polish side against the invaders.

Therefore, the National Rebirth of Poland issued a special statement regarding the incident. It states as follows:

On the night of June 28 to 29, 2014, unknown criminals desecrated the historical Tatar Mosque and the cemetery in Kruszyniany, which constitute one of three most important religious and cultural centers of Polish Tatars.

The Polish Tatars for ages have belonged to the most loyal sons of Polish Republic, as one of minorities which lived here. In time of need, they were always ready to sacrifice their lives in defense of our common Homeland. From Tatar families come many outstanding Polish patriots, national revolutionaries and anticommunist activists.

It remains to be seen if in Kruszyniany we witnessed the leftist provocation, a Zionist sabotage or just a unique stupidity. It does not matter. For us, Polish nationalists, the matter is obvious. Whoever attacks our friends, attacks us. And for our foes we will not find mercy.

NOP – Information Office


Part of our Heritage – Historical Kruszyniany Mosque, dated 1717

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