Europe of Free Nations: NOP delegation in Rome


On 28th of February, the National Rebirth of Poland activists took part in march commemorating Mikis Mantakas, the Greek nationalist and martyr, who was killed by the marxist thug Alvaro Lojacono during the “years of the lead” in Italy. The NOP delegation was invited by organizers from Movimento Sociale Europeo. Over 500 European nationalists marched through the streets of Eternal City; beside MSE and NOP members, there were also comrades from Spanish Movimiento Social Republicano (MSR), Italian Forza Nuova, Waloon Nation, Greek Golden Dawn, Greek National Front, Spanish Democracia Nacional (DN) and the British National Party (BNP). The march lasted for over an hour, in an atmosphere of peace, silence and muse, in the light of torches and rhytm of drums.


At the very end, staying against the picture of Mantakas, all participants screamed “PRESENTE!” three times. For the first time in the history of Mantakas Marches, there was a concert dedicated to his memory.

On the same day, there were talks between Michał Lewandowski, head of the NOP Foreign Department, and Antonis Gregos, Golden Dawn member and Greek MP. The meeting was arranged by the NOP – “Division Greece” branch. Both sides discussed the ways of further mutual cooperation. Also the leader of our “Division Greece” unit, Adam Mikulski, was present in Athens Golden Dawn headquarters, where there was a lecture dedicated to the memory of Mikis Mantakas.

On 1st March, the day after, representatives of NOP, MSE, MSR and Nation held a meeting, during which all movements agreed to expand their relations and cooperation.


On the same day, at the invitation of Roberto Fiore, the secretary general of Forza Nuova, NOP took part in the Italian party’s election rally, co-organized by the Greek Golden Dawn and Spanish Democracia Nacional.

Also, Michał Lewandowski (who is in charge of “Division England”) discussed the details of cooperation with Nick Griffin, head of the British National Party and MEP.


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