IV March of Patriots – a new Dawn for Poland!

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At least 10,000 people attended the March of Patriots in Wrocław, organized – as always – by the National Rebirth of Poland on the 11th of November – Polish Independence Day. This was the fourth time, when common people (including women, children, and the elderly) along with the NOP activists and sympathisers, as well as other fellow patriots and nationalists, local football fans and catholic associations, took to the streets of Wrocław in order to demonstrate their commitment to their country and sense of the national pride.

Even media hostile to us wrote clearly, that this demonstration was “very huge”. The main organizer was Paweł Naskręt, head of the NOP in Dolnośląskie Voivodeship. While talking to journalists, he said:

We do not prefer a “sissy” type of patriotism, in which a Polish person is supposed to enjoy waving the White and Red flag and ignore the fact, that he’s being squeezed dry in his own country, stripped of his dignity, that the ruling class treats him as slave. We will not accept it, we are demonstrating against it, we are fighting with it!

The slogans that were shouted during long march across the city clearly reflected what the real nationalist alternative stands for. “Away from the EU, away from NATO, Poland first!”, “Great, Independent, Poland!”, “God, Honor, Fatherland”, “Not red, not rainbow-hued, Poland must be national!” were amongst most repeated and powerful shouts. The participants also honored our fallen heroes who fought against both German and Soviet occupation during and after the World War Two. Our party flags with “Hand and Sword” and celtic crosses were proudly waving in the wind. There was also a great banner depicting the Great Pole – Roman Dmowski and his most popular saying – “I’m Polish, so I have Polish duties.”

The march ended near the St. John’s Cathedral, where all participants solemnly sang all the verses of “Poland is yet not lost”, our national anthem. The whole demonstration was entirely peaceful.

For the fourth time, the voice of radical nationalism has been heard in Wrocław.

NOP information office

Originally published – HERE

See official March of Patriots website – full photo galleries & videos from 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013!



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