National Rebirth of Poland – English Division in offensive

The large scale promotion of our party in the United Kingdom has begun.

Our basic and most principal aim is to convince the Polish people who reside in the UK that a nationalist agenda is what we need in Poland as well as in Britain. Both countries should cooperate with each other after reclaming independence and finally withdrawing from the EU. Therefore, it is vital that current nationalistic movements help each other for the better future of both British people and Polish people alike.

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In London for instance, on 5th of October, the NOP reinforced the BNP in their demonstration against illegal, non-European immigration. The purpose was mainly to help the BNP overcome mainstream media’s manipulations which constantly portray this British party as being supposedly “anti-Polish”.


A day after that, the NOP held a rally before the Greek embassy in London, protesting against the arrests and persecution of our comrades from the Greek party Golden Dawn.

In short, hundreds of leaflets in both English and Polish language were passed to pedestrians.


On 16th of October, our activists passed hundreds of leaflets as well as other materials in Norwich. The receipients were members of the local Polish community.

Further actions and campaigns should be expected very soon.

MORE PHOTOS – 1, 2, 3

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