30 years of the NOP – Report from March of Patriots and our Congress


On 11th November 2011, the 93rd anniversary of our Independence Day, the March of Patriots took to the streets of Wrocław city, organized by the National Rebirth of Poland, a nationalist political party.

Despite all the manipulations, half-truths and lies that the mainstream media have been pushing about us, over 3,000 people decided to take part in our demonstration.

Among Polish White and Red flags and NOP banners, national flags from Sweden, Ireland, Italy, the Czech Republic, Flanders and Spain were flying in the wind, including European nationalist banners of such organizations as the Italian Forza Nuova, Spanish Movimiento Social Republicano (MSR) and Swedish Svenskarnas parti (SvP).

3,000 proud Poles and other Europeans were on our side, while on the other side was only a pathetic handful of liberal janissaries branding themselves as “antifascists”.

Our march didn’t have a nostalgic character. Tradition AND Revolution, the past – tribute to our unforgotten heroes, and the future – hope and belief in the need to destroy this anti-nationalist regime. We put our values against the plagues of our times. We managed to march in glory, and we will manage to do so every time.

The National Rebirth of Poland board of directors would like to thank all participants of March of Patriots. We thank our foreign guests, who, by their attitude, proved that there is no real alternative for modern nationalism, free from chauvinistic phantoms. It was our day.



On the 10th November 2011, 30 years passed exactly since the longest-existing Polish nationalistic movement (after WWII), the National Rebirth of Poland, was created. On this occasion, on the 12th of November, we held the Congress of our movement under the slogan “30 years of struggle”. Delegates from across the country came to Wrocław, along with delegates of respectable nationalist movements from across Europe.


The event was preceded by a Traditional Catholic Latin Mass in one of Wrocław’s chapels. The Congress was opened by our chairman, Adam Gmurczyk, who shortly summarized the last 30 years, stressing that it was the NOP who were responsible for developing the formula for a modern kind of European nationalism in Poland.

We then honoured the memory of our great comrades who have passed away, with a minute of silence. Memory is a duty. After a moment of reflection, we read a message from Derek Holland to our party members. He is the author of Political Soldier, an excellent book, and a close friend of our movement.


Then our colleagues started their lectures. The topics were “idealism and political pragmatism in our national-revolutionary fight” and “Third Position – national-revolutionary struggle yesterday and today”.


After these two lectures, there was a short break, during which our good writer Sławomir Dawidowski was able to promote his book Eva Perón – the first Lady of Nationalism – a first Polish biography of great female leader from South America.


The next part of Congress belonged to our honourable guests. The first speech was given by Roberto Fiore, former MEP, leader of Forza Nuova and contributor to our NOP magazine Szczerbiec. In his speech, he analysed the situation in Europe and singled out the international banksters as our greatest enemy. He also proposed some concrete solutions to that problem.


Then, a speech was given by Stefan Jacobsson from Svenskarnas parti (Swedish Party). He presented us information on his movement, on the ideas of SvP and their activities, and expressed hope for closer relations with us and with other European nationalistic groups.


Our Spanish friends from the Republican Social Movement (MSR) were represented by the leader of their Madrid section, José Luis Vázquez. He gave us a great lecture, comparing the history of Poland to the history of Spain, especially in terms of similar experiences with communism.


After that, Kris Roman, representative of the Flemish Nieuw Solidaristisch Alternatif (New Solidaristic Alternative) and head of the Euro-Rus think tank gave us his thoughts on most crucial geopolitical matters, such as foreign interventions of world powers in matters of sovereign states such as Libya, Iraq, or Iran. He stressed that European nationalists need to cooperate closely in order to overcome the massive influx of immigrants and the dictatorship of the banking system.


The last speech in English was made by our comrade and fellow Third-Positionist from Ireland, Robert Lane, who represented an autonomous group of Irish nationalists.

We received congratulations and words expressing solidarity with us from the leader of the French Anti-Zionist Party Yahia Gouasmi, from Dr. David Duke, and from the nationalistic organization from Cyprus, ELAM.

The authorities of the National Rebirth of Poland (NOP) would like to thank once again our comrades from Spain, Italy, Sweden, Flanders and Ireland for being with us on the march and our congress. There is no alternative to cooperation between real nationalist and national-revolutionary movements. People of the European Nations need to fight back. Long live our nations, our fatherlands, our Europe!


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